Sunday, 16 January 2011


After I made the beginnings of Dotty last night, I couldn't go to bed until I had made her up, so at 1 am this morning I was still sewing the ears and eyes on!

Here is Dotty in her finished form, and I have to say, not only am I impressed that I made a sock monkey, I think she has a quirkiness about her just like me!

There are a few things that I would do differently for my next sock monkeys - shape of the ears; more rounded feet and hands; and a bit more stuffing in the legs but all in all I am very happy with my make. I just need to figure out how to add her mouth - tried last night, but failed miserable as I have never really been a 'sewer'.

I had a bit of time this morning, so had a go at knitting with the needles and wool I bought yesterday. Now I haven't knitted anything for 30 odd years, so thought I would knit Dotty a scarf. However, I got a bit carried away with casting on my stitches and within no time at all realised that this was going to be way too big for a scarf, so decided it would be a.....

.... skirt for Dotty! So here is my very first sock monkey, modelling the very first bit of knitting I have done for a very long time. Not sure why the knitting looks red, but it is a lovely deep fushia colour to go with some of the spots on Dotty.

Yesterday the kids were not impressed by what I was making, but now that I have finished her - yes my kids love her and have asked if I can make them one each. My oldest son Harry wants a Chavvi sock money complete with lots of gold jewellery, and my youngest Jack wants a WWE (Wrestling) Rey Mysterio one, with one red leg; one white leg and lots of tattoos!

Nothing like being set a challenge is there.


  1. She's fab and LOL at your challenge from the boys. Looks like your in for a few late nights x

  2. Oh! how cute is she? Many many years ago my Dad used to say my skirts were only just long enough to be a scarf!! LOL

  3. Dotty is one cute sock monkey - love her skirt. Your boys have set you up for a few more late nights I reckon! That's what Mums are for of course.

  4. oh dotty is lovely and what a nice skirt. Don't envy your challenge from the boys lol.

  5. Well done, you've done great. Glad you managed to follow the tutorial ok x

  6. She's lovely I look forward to seeing the boys sock monkeys especially the tattoos lol

  7. She's brilliant - I love the skirt. Your right she does have her own personality. Can wait to see you next ones for the boys. Jaqui x
